GEO-Instruments can monitor excavations that can result in structural and ground movements.

Excavations often require a range of monitoring solutions to understand the retaining structure and the ground surrounding it.
GEO-Instruments monitors excavation support systems including perimeter walls, cross lot bracing, soldier piles, walers, excavation trestles and more, providing critical data for evaluating operations and managing safety and risk.
Geological context
Our focus is on understanding the geological context and selecting the optimum solutions to enable the excavation.
Excavations require monitoring before, during and after the site activity, especially when constructed in urban environments. Drawing on its wide experience, GEO-Instruments can install safe and high-performing solutions on site that monitor all sources and receptors, without interfering with the constantly changing work conditions and restrictions.
Traditional and modern methods
Traditional methods such as extensometers, strain gauges, piezometers and manual inclinometers are still widely used, but GEO-Instruments has also developed and implemented new, modern solutions such Shape Accel Arrays, fibre optic strain gauge monitoring and wireless autonomous monitoring solutions.
The observational method is particularly suited to excavations. You can track the excavation in real-time as the ground is evacuated and compare predicted with measured movements.