Automated dust monitoring is a cost-effective way to verify dust mitigation measures and minimise the impact of site works on surrounding properties and public spaces.

Common uses
Dust from demolition, construction, and cleanup activities can significantly impact local air quality, potentially posing a health hazard and nuisance. For this reason, dust mitigation measures are required at most construction sites, and real-time dust monitoring may be required to verify that mitigation measures are effective.
There are effective methods to mitigate dust pollution but it is essential to first have a detailed understanding of the dust being produced to implement these measures properly.
Construction dust falls under the standards for particulate matter:
- PM10 for particles with diameters 10 microns and smaller
- PM2.5 for particles with diameters 2.5 microns and smaller
Local codes, agencies, and communities set specific regulations, but typically dust monitors are placed at site boundaries and at critical locations outside, for example sensitive areas like parks or residential zones.
Monitoring is usually continuous during construction hours as a minimum to document 24-hour average. Wind speed and direction can optionally also be monitored.
GEO-Instruments' online monitoring software QuickView provides alerts so that prompt action can be taken if limits are exceeded. The software can also be used to visualise data and evaluate dust mitigation measures to improve practices or reduce costs. .
Long-term 24-hour data collection allows for creation of reports using information gathered over the lifespan of the project.
- Continuous sampling: Automated monitoring provides continuous sampling of air quality, typically at multiple locations around the construction site.
- Minimal maintenance: Each monitor operates autonomously, protected by a weatherproof enclosure and powered by AC mains or solar-charged batteries.
- Automatic alerts: Automated systems send alerts to on-site project staff for prompt action.
- Web access: Air quality status is displayed on a project website and reports are generated at required intervals. Reports and data are archived automatically for easy reference.
- Cost-effective: Automated dust monitoring stations provide more comprehensive coverage than can be achieved by a technician with a hand-held dust monitor and can cost less.
- Combined Environmental monitoring: Our automated monitoring platform can present data from dust, noise, vibration, and geotechnical measurements all on the same project website.