As part of a large-scale London project Keller teams were on-site installing ground anchors to strengthen a retaining wall adjacent to other ongoing works.

The project
Keller were installing over 500 ground anchors with teams from GEO-Instruments supporting at several stages of the project. The ground anchors are installed above ground-level into the existing retaining wall. The installations were non-continuous and staged intermittently over the period of works.
The challenge
The project would require close collaboration and careful planning to reach goals on time and ensure the quality of the work. It was important to work around nearby site activity by other contractors on the active site. Installation of the anchors requires precise positioning and alignment information delivered quickly. Every borehole drilled must be checked for accurate deviation and depth.
The solution
GEO teams are using the latest Robotic Total Stations and borehole surveying equipment to conduct daily surveys responding to the evolving requirements of the works.
Other GEO-Instruments responsibilities included:
- Topographical survey of the retaining wall, feeding back key site information to the design team to assist with construction.
- Producing CAD drawings and reports.
- Setting out positions for core samples taken from the wall.
- Setting out and rig alignment, azimuth and inclination for borehole drilling.
- Producing As-Built reports for completed boreholes using a borehole survey probe to survey each hole for depth and deviation.
Trials and surveys were undertaken by the Keller and GEO earlier in the year to inform the design of the anchor positions.
As part of Keller, both divisions are able to communicate and cooperate as efficiently as possible, delivering the project safely and professionally.