Datasheet Datasheet - VW Settlement Plates Vibrating Wire (VW) Liquid Settlement Plates are designed for low maintenance sub-surface monitoring of both settlement and heave. Download
Datasheet Datasheet - VW Piezometer Vibrating Wire (VW) Piezometers are designed to monitor pore water pressure and piezometric level changes within soil and sub-surface environments. Download
Datasheet Datasheet - Track Survey Trolley Track survey trolleys are designed for taking detailed measurements of rail infrastructure in 2D and 3D. Download
Datasheet Datasheet - Rod Extensometer Rod Extensometers are used to measure ground movement at specified depths within a borehole. Download
Datasheet Datasheet - Strain Gauge Load Cells Anchor Load cells are designed to measure the residual load of the strands within single or multistage anchors. Download
Datasheet Datasheet - Automated Total Station (ATS) Automated Total Stations are designed for high resolution monitoring of three-dimensional structural movement. Download
Datasheet Datasheet - Digital Level Digital Precise Levels are highly accurate instruments designed to measure sub-millimetre change in vertical height of assets and infrastructure. Download
Datasheet Datasheet - C22 Vibration Monitor The C22 is a wireless triaxial vibration monitor with a built-in geophone designed to measure vibration during construction activities. Download
Datasheet Datasheet - Distributed Fibre Optic Sensing Distributed Fibre Optic Sensing is a means of using Optical Fibres to monitor for changes in strain, temperature, displacement or vibration. Download
Datasheet Datasheet - Wireless Tiltmeters Wireless Tiltmeter networks are an easy to implement structural monitoring solution Download