GEO-Instruments’ online Monitoring software QuickView is being used to visualise the advances of four concurrent Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) drives on a major London infrastructure project.

QuickView has built-in functionality for displaying real-time progress of TBMs along with a customisable zones of influence using live data tracking their advance.
Route data including chainages, coordinates and ring numbers can be uploaded into a specialised project view within QuickView where users can add monitoring points to track changes in ground movement or other measured factors as the TBM progresses.
As the drive advances and rings are completed this information can be sent automatically to the software and an updated location and Zone of Influence will be displayed.
The below timelapse shows the advance of multiple TBMs, tracked simultaneously alongside Manual and Automated Monitoring data from multiple sources, overlayed on a CAD drawing of the tunnel route and nearby surface assets.
QuickView is GEO-Instruments’ web-based monitoring platform used by our engineers and clients for displaying and analysing monitoring data. It allows for fast, intuitive upload and interpretation of automated and manually gathered monitoring data.
QuickView is continuously developing, with new features and functionality added regularly in response to the needs of users.
Offering the latest standards in data security, unlimited users, fully customisable project overviews and all features included as standard, QuickView offers outstanding value to our clients.
Find out more about our infrastructure projects here.